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雅思词汇解析(115)| 权力


November 30, 2024

雅思词汇解析 | | 栏目推送说明





1. patriarchal /ˌpeitri'ɑ:kəl/

adj. 男性家长制的,族长制的;父权制的;

e.g. In many traditional societies, the family structure is patriarchal, with the father having the final say in all decisions.

e.g. In patriarchal societies, the belief in male superiority often leads to the marginalization of women.

补充:marginalization 边缘化

n. patriarchy 男性家长制;父权制

e.g. Feminism is the support of social equality for all genders, in opposition to patriarchy and sexism.

补充:sexism 尤指对女性的)性别歧视

feminism 女权主义(主张男女平等)

2. manipulate /mə'nɪpjʊleɪt/

v. 摆布,操纵,控制(他人)

e.g. She knows how to manipulate her parents to get what she wants.

e.g. teenagers are susceptible to being manipulated.

adj. manipulative 操纵的;控制的;善于摆布他人的;

e.g. Some people can be highly manipulative in relationships, often making others feel guilty or responsible for their problems.

e.g. Her manipulative behavior in the workplace made it difficult for anyone to trust her, as she often twisted people's words to her advantage.

补充:twist 歪曲;扭曲

3. submissive /səb'mɪsɪv/

adj. 顺从的;恭顺的;听话的

e.g. In a male-dominated society, women are often raised to be submissive and accept traditional gender roles.

e.g. After watching this movie, many viewers felt that the male characters' attitudes were derogatory toward women, with plotlines that objectified female characters or portrayed them in overly submissive or stereotypical ways.

补充:a male-dominated society 男性主导的社会

derogatory adj. 贬低的

stereotypical adj. 刻板的

4. monopolize /məˈnɔpəˌlaɪz/

v. 垄断;独占

e.g. The large corporation tried to monopolize the market by buying out smaller competitors.

e.g. During the meeting, he seemed to monopolize the conversation, leaving little room for anyone else to speak.

e.g. The demands of the job have been monopolizing my time.

补充:buy out 买下…的股权或产权;

n. monopoly 垄断;垄断权

e.g. The company used its monopoly control to charge exorbitant fees.

e.g. There are fears that the merger between the two companies will create a monopoly.

补充:merger (公司、组织等的)合并,归并

5. objectify /ɒb'dʒektɪfaɪ/

v. to treat (someone) as an object rather than as a person使…物化;使…人格物化

e.g. The media often objectifies celebrities, focusing more on their looks than their talents or accomplishments.

e.g. She felt objectified and dehumanized when her achievements were overshadowed by her physical appearance.


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